
Bring bold and bright colors back into everyday life one art piece at a time.


Create vibrant works of art that make you go: "ooo" "aah" "that's weird!"

Hi, I'm Hannah Rutherford, the artist behind Studio HR!

About Me

Hi, I'm Hannah Rutherford, the artist behind Studio HR!

I grew up in a small town in Florida, always creating and making art. As a kid, I dreamed I would one day create masterpieces and travel the world creating from what I saw. However, as I grew up I pulled away from the kind of art that I love most. I went to college and earned my Master in Architecture. Then life happened as life does: I needed to go home to help my family. Back in a small town, poor internet, with just me, my family, and my dog, I fell back into art. Being back home, though it felt odd, gave me the space and time I needed to think and really consider my future with a new perspective. It reminded me that things can change on a dime and that I should pursue what I love while I have the opportunity.

So here I am, pursuing art like my childhood self dreamed. Though the circumstances aren't what I imagined, it’s exciting to think that younger Hannah is cheering on the hard steps to make my art into something successful, rather than turning away from what could have been.

About My Art

"The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love color the most," wrote John Ruscin, The Stones of Venice Painting. Color is bold. Color is loud. Color is weird. Color is fun! Color can change our moods, change our ideas, and change the way we perceive reality. When I create, I like to take mundane things, weird things, and infuse them with bold and bright colors, making them stand out and be noticed. I aspire to be as bold, loud, weird, and fun as the colors I use to create with. The process of taking an idea and putting it on canvas for me always starts with a color. Without color, life would be a dull place. I chose to be colorful everyday in a world that's floating further and further away from color. So fill life unapologetically with bright, bold, quirky things. My art is for all of you who love color as much as me. Express it, flaunt it, be you, be colorful!